Добавил: Tiratore 2015-07-04 11:59:30 116 просмотров
<<< KouRyuu >>>
My 4th Model.
Dragon of metal.
"Kouryuu" means "ultimate dragon" in Japanese.
The team colors are made by unusual way.
For "Normal" and "Red team", "fire storm" is in the wing.
And for "Blue team", "water flow" is in the wing.
1 model and 1 skin are included.
Auther: Hide 2004/8/1
Modeling: LightWave 7.5
Constructing PSK: MilkShape 1.7.1
Skining: Photoshop 6.0
Packing UKX: UnrealED 3.0
Polygons: 4076
Textures: 4x1024x1024 4x512x512 1x256x512
Team Color Support: Yes
Custom Animations: No
Custom Sounds: No
Custom Karma: No
To install, just copy the
KouRyuuAnim.ukx file to UT2004's Animations folder
KouRyuu.upl file to UT2004's System folder
KouRyuu.utx file to UT2004's Texture folder
Edit of XPlayers.int is not required.
(Bio is in ".upl" file.)
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