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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Zombie Master
High-Res Shotgun Ammo Box v1.5

High-Res Shotgun Ammo Box v1.5

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 16:40:30
170 просмотров
  • High-Res Shotgun Ammo Box v1.5 Skin screenshot
  • High-Res Shotgun Ammo Box v1.5 Skin screenshot
  • High-Res Shotgun Ammo Box v1.5 Skin screenshot

This is the reskin just like the rifle only for the shotgun now. :D

This Pack contains the same various Skins like the Rifle Pack. Also added with a Bumpmap and a costume VMT file for each Skin. And a little surprise for those who looking hard enough *hehe.

v1.5: Fixed VMT problem causing spam in the console and the disappering of the entire model in the game.

If you downloaded the previous version and don't want to ddl the newer one:

Open the VMT (u can use your common editor to open the file if u don't have the proper program) of your favourite Skin, delete everything, copy this:

"VertexLitGeneric" { "$basetexture" "models/items/buckshotXXX" "$bumpmap" "models/items/buckshotXXX_n" }

XXX stands for your Skin. Just replace it done. Everything should work fine now.
