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Rusty's Zombie Master Skins

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 16:34:19
140 просмотров
  • Rusty's Zombie Master Skins Skin screenshot
  • Rusty's Zombie Master Skins Skin screenshot
  • Rusty's Zombie Master Skins Skin screenshot
  • Rusty's Zombie Master Skins Skin screenshot
  • Rusty's Zombie Master Skins Skin screenshot

To all the people who say "I don't like this" or "I don't like that" I can't please everybody but I tried. I'm at least making an attempt.. :P

Thanks goes to Marphy Black for helping me get the survivor skins ingame.

Contains everything I've made so far(except the zm_rifle world model)

New Male Survivor faces and outfits.(not shown in the screenshots)

This pack includes skins for..

-Shamblers -Banshees -Hulks -Drifters -Male Survivors(faces and outfits) -Female Survivors -New ZM Background -New Survivor Portraits for the Model Selection menu
