Добавил: Tiratore 2015-10-01 16:36:09 128 просмотров
Wannabe Allied RA2 Shamblers by Kindlinho aka Vala ' Rocky Balboa
1) Put the "materials" folder into your "zombie_master" main folder
(My is: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\SourceMods\zombie_master\ )
For a deep blue bloody version - rename the "citizen_sheet3bloody.vtf" file to "citizen_sheet3"
For a deep blue clean version - Don't do anything
For a desaturate version - rename the "citizen_sheet3cleandesaturate" file to "citizen_sheet3"
For a desaturate bloody version - rename the "citizen_sheet3bloodydesaturate" file to "citizen_sheet3"
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