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Contagion Pistol Pack

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-07-04 10:55:13
185 просмотров
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot
  • Contagion Pistol Pack Skin screenshot


All of these ports will now include the Contagion Arms! For the full list of the Ports for ZPS, head to the steam community thread.


inside the ZIP you got 3 folders, Materials, Sound and Models put them under the following folder (This folder will NOT exist by default!):

Steam\steamapps\common\Source SDK Base 2007\zpscustom

if that doesn't work, put them inside the zps folder. (WARNING: IT WILL OVERRIDE DEFAULT CONTENT!)


The model/texture and the animations belongs to Monochrome LLC. I do NOT take any credit of anything. The only thing I've done is making sure it got ported over to 2007 Engine (ZPS).
