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Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-21 00:10:00
15 просмотров
Albenki Princess and a fathered by a French noble who did train him rigorously. Use Castin\'s unique prospective, allied with the Albenki Confederation and ties to France to protect a resource laden region of Arcadia, for France. HISTORY – of Saint Castin and Pentagoet Pentagoet- Fort Penobscot on the Penobscot bay now Tranquil Castine, the \"Gateway to Down-East\" and home and safe haven of our hero Bernard-Anselme d\'Abbadie de Saint-Castin (fourth baron(1689-1720)). An Indian Metis born and educated in France he comes to Arcadia ensign in the Carignan Regiment in 1670 to Acadia, and established Fort Pentagoet with 14 soldiers rehabilitating Acadia hence forth till 1684. His Mother a true Albenaki princess and his father a French noble, trains him rigorously. He Marries Mathilde Madokawando; daughter to Chief Madokawando and had several Metis daughters all married to Frenchmen. 1674 August 10: Jurriaen Aernoutsz, a Dutch privateer with war license, captured Pentagoet. Its guns turning in on it’s self, destroying the walls and buildings completely. Aernoutsz captures Jacques de Chambly (d-1687) Governor of Acadia. Saint Castin also on account, was tortured by Aernouts later freed by payment of ransom by the Governor of Quebec Again in 1676 the Dutch returned and began to fortify the deserted French Fort. The English at Boston were alarmed and sent three war ships to drive the Dutch home. The English had no desire to occupy this fort.. The nearest English settlement, the premier English fort at Pemaquid, Fort William Henry is submerged in French sympathetic Indian influence and is at constant odds with the trade capital of the region. 1696 There is a Prisoner exchange at Fort Henry, and Negotiators Chief Egeremet and two of his sons are shot to death. Taxous, another chief, manages to escape. Castin with French and Indian forces attack Fort William Henry. After an all night battle the English were allowed to leave yet then suddenly slaughtered. A shift to Port Royal, a theater beyond “Pentagoet” (‘s) telling. June 1707 the Governor, of Port Royal Daniel d\'Auger de Subercase (1661-1732), asked Castin for help in fighting the army of English John March of Newbury who had received a commission to take Fort Royal. One thousand and seventy six English, with four hundred and fifty sailors, are under his command. Against a much smaller French force of three hundred dug in at Port Royal. Unable to breach the Fort, the army returns to Boston.
This is a history oriented scenario, taking place 1667 at Fort Pentagoet. This Trading Post saw much action through the years changing hands more often then not. Baron Saint Castin was born of an
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