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Survival for Single Player

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-06-26 22:06:00
27 просмотров
STORY: A town in the middle of the nowhere is under attack, by beings of unknown origins, they look human, but they aren't. The survivors sent out a search party for food since the blight has destroyed the farmlands and traders have stopped arriving, however, the search party has not been back for a long time... Food supply is dwindling and so is moral. It is your choice, sit around and wait for help that may not come, or search for your own escape route that may not exist. THE GOAL: Survive! (There is a way to win the scenario, I am not telling you how and people who have already played this with me please don't tell them :P) FEATURES Food upkeep - you pay 3 food every 5 seconds for every single population point, you run out of food, your men starve to death. 1hip - All units have only one hip except for certain special units, but don't worry you have the guns! Other Survivors - There may be other survivors outside of the town, however you are sure to find enemies out there too. Repair Cannon - Harvest 275 wood in order to repair a cannon in the town. Single Player Version: The Single Player version has several differences from the original version designed for multiplayer. -Single Player (obviously ^^) -A Hero -Cannon repair require 275 wood instead of 500 -Player two (computer) defends the town SURVIVAL TIPS Be careful with your units as they are irreplaceable, if you are running low on food I recommend killing off some of your weaker units such as villagers. Searching out of town is best when early in the game, after that it's probably best to stay in town By KevTheGreat P.S please do not edit, or claim this map as your own. Other Scenarios by KevTheGreat- [The Race 2] [The Great Colosseum] [Global Wars] [The Race] [Arab Desert] [Arab Desert 2] [Arab Desert 3] [Arab Desert 4] [Arab Desert 4V2] [Arab Desert 7] [Burn em All] [Russia The Epic Begins] [Fort of War] [Survival]
SURVIVAL BY KEVTHEGREAT This is my first single player scenario :), but not my first scenario. I have designed many for mutliplayer, feel free to download them and play them too :) THE
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