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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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The Malta Invasion

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-06-28 00:06:00
12 просмотров
in the campaign), Sahin the Falcon has returned to the Ottoman Empire, and is attacking Malta. He has betrayed Morgan! They were friends at the Battle of the Fountain of Youth, but not any more. Now that Alain is dead, captured and killed by the Aztecs after the Fountain of Youth is destroyed, Morgan is the new leader of the kights. Lead him and drive the Ottomans from Malta FOR GOOD. Review: Playability: Sorry to be harsh but this one needs work. It's playable but easy as hell...see balance and map design for more. Balance: There is no balance...you have a massive fortressed area with a zillion workers. Resources POUR in. You can build an army extremely fast and very quickly overwhelm the Ottos. Creativity: Hmmmm not a lot to talk about here...see map design and story for more. Map Design: The layout is ok...but: You start with buildings you wouldn't have for your age...then you also have buildings that you'd never have because you can't go to age 4 or 5. There is no eye candy and no treasures...blue has a basically undefeatble fortress/TC area... Story/Instructions: There is pretty much zero instructions except "drive the Ottos out of Malta"...
In this scenario, you play as the Knights of Saint John. You have been forced into retreat to your fort, the last sanctuary of the knights. For some unknown reason (this takes place right after act 1
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