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Age of Empires III
World War II - The Great Crusade

World War II - The Great Crusade

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-04-09 00:04:00
14 просмотров
would be fun to do something with a world war 2 theme. Any ways enjoy my scenerio:) Created by Golth1 on Age of Empires III Heaven REVIEW: This creative battle starts with an exciting naval battle. Then you progress to defeat the Germans and French by builing up your military, since you have unlimited resources. I recommend advancing to the imperial age to fully upgrade your men before assaulting the enemy islands. As usual, a strong navy is necessary to transport your soldiers to the enemy base. Watch out for shore defenses! However, once you get on their islands, it\'s fairly easy to defeat the AI. Low points of this scenario include a poorly constructed shore line (the beach is in square tiles), a lack of triggers, and a general lack of direction on what to do. This battle should provide about 15 minutes of fun, but it can last an eternity if the shore defenses keep sinking your ships! Reviewed by Suleyman Eisenhower, AoE3 Files Head Site Administrator
You start out with a base on an island, and your enemys are the German Nazis, and the French. I don\'t have any knoledge of there being a battle quite like this one in world war 2, but i thought it
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