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Xamo - Race

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-05 23:02:00
14 просмотров
make you wish to win this race. A nice challanging scenario for all kind of fans, no matter the skills and experience. A good intro movie (and objectives) will tell you exactely what you have to do in every race. Please notice that this scenario can be play at home on your PC, but also in multiplayer (when available, ofcourse). Have fun and enjoy 3 months of work ... EDIT: Unfortunately this scenario is bugged. I will try to fix it, because of the complexity and beauty of it. The Editor is still not fixed, and i hope it will be when TAD is launched. Regards, Xamolxis Publisher's note: There is also a long discussion about this scenario on Heaven Games. Find it [url="http://aoe3.heavengames.com/downloads/showfile.php?fileid=617"]here.[/url]
For the one who is familliar with Xamo - Race scenarios from AOM/TT, he should know that playing this scenario is a lot of fun. Seven small races in one scenario (some of them very difficult), will
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