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Age of Empires III
The Ancient Age Mod (alpha release)

The Ancient Age Mod (alpha release)

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-06-13 22:06:00
26 просмотров
Carthaginians, Celts, Hellenes, Persians and Romans Official Forum: http://www.ne.elpea.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=19 II.Team The Team consists on the one hand of beginners and on the other hand of people with experience in modding. The underlying idea of the team set is to teach beginners one or more aspects of modding with the final aim to integrate them effectively into the project. The project itself is in English. The team works in a closed member area on ne.elpea.net, the Official Napoleonic Era Homepage. Our first release will be an Alpha-Version that contains playable Romans and Hellenes. III. Features Five completely new cultures with new units, among others Tactical Units like Spies, Assassins or Officers, new Economic Units like Scholars, Slaves, female and male citizens. Longer ages show the true advantages and disadvantages of cultures and demand from players more strategic and flexible thinking. We are willed to create a more ambitious 1st and 5th Age. The 'Campaign' feature (similar to 'Revolution') makes it possible to change the usual management of a town to a more intensive organization of a professional army. A new, more realistic counter-system, new random maps, User Interface and Home City Design are other features that we'll try to realize as well. The mod's website is [url="http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-ancient-age"]here.[/url]
I. Introduction Since longer time the Modding Project The Ancient Age is already in development. Its objective is to implement 5 antique cultures with the AoE3 Engine and Structure. These are:
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