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Age of Mythology
Maps Levels Missions

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Всего материалов:  333

Heart of Darkness (UPDATED)

Добавил: The DSystem
20 просмотров
Along the way, he encounters dangerous creatures and increasingly strange situations. If he makes it to the end of the river, he must destroy the temple to reveal the dragon. Victory is achieved when the dragon is killed. No readme was provided bu

The Heart of Darkness (REVIEWED) (1.2)

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
For more information on Age of Mythology, visit http://ageofmythology.filefront.com

Mystery Island

Добавил: The DSystem
10 просмотров
Isle in the middle but gold is saved by monster troll and other are on the isle. Place the files in the AOM/rm folder. For more information on Age of Mythology, visit http://ageo

River Land

Добавил: The DSystem
8 просмотров
Every Player is behind a river with a bridge to the other player. Many elk, gold and wood per player. In the middle are more settlements For more information on Age of Mythology, visit

Lost Woods

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
This map is a randomly generated maze made up out of trees. The more players on the map, the more complex the maze is. Also, there are a lot of resources (especially wood) which should keep anyone from running out. The terrain consists of 10 differen

The Void

Добавил: The DSystem
5 просмотров
Started this map shortly after I made The Void. I was planning on working on it more, but never got the time. I don't think I will get the time to finish it, and with AoE3 due out soon, I figured I might as well upload it so people can enjoy the chan

Alone in the Dark (part 1)

Добавил: The DSystem
11 просмотров
File Details Style: Role Playing Strategy # of Scenarios: 2 Version: AoM Hundreds of years passed without incident. It seemed that the world had calmed down, and that the old rulers had died out, and left the planet to the Humans. But one rel

River Island

Добавил: The DSystem
14 просмотров
Greek river land. Teams are separated by a river with a center island. The center island has additional gold and settlements. The river is protected by a few pirate ships, so it prevents fishing and building docks in early age. However, the land reso

Siberian Winter

Добавил: The DSystem
9 просмотров
Winter map of Siberia. The mountains are pathable in any way. This map is similar to the "Rocky Mountains" map with the following changes: - Snowy and hilly landscape - More building space - 7 farms near each starting settlement - Weather effects

The Rise of Zeus

Добавил: The DSystem
16 просмотров
Kronos rules the earth but Zeus desires to overthrow him because Kronos is such a destructive being. Zeus asks a village to help him weaken Kronos, because if Zeus does it directly Kronos will kill him, or many other titans will help destroy most the

страница:   1 2 3 4 5 6 7... 34
Всего материалов:  333