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Legolas (Reviewed)

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-28 23:12:00
15 просмотров
CoolSk8r32 ----------------------------------- Well well well, WaveSlave strikes again. He gives us Legolas from the LotR. I love the texture, man that's good! Still, there is room for improvement. His stats could've been better, as he can barely stand up to an arcus without getting severely injured :/ Legolas's texture is great, but can only be seen great when zoomed in on, and since most people don't play Age of Mythology zoomed in all the time, it is harder to appreciate the texture. If you could update this, waveslave, then that would be great. Give the best and only archer in the fellowship a nice special attack, and improve his stats. One last thing: the readme. Waveslave expects too much of the modding n00bs out there who will download this. There are a lot of assumptions in the readme as: 'make sure the # is one more than the one before'. Now, I'm a modder, and I know that this means the dbid number should be 1+ the previous. But say so for people who don't know! Please update your unit with a better, more noobie-friendly readme! You don't get a 10 on your installation instructions 'cause an auto-installer section and a proto installation section would be nice. Overall, the texture is great, but the stats and FunFactor of this mod aren't as good. Room for updating, but I can see a fantastic texturer upcoming...
This is an outdated file, you may find the newer version here: http://aomfiles.com/file.info?ID=22064 ----------------------------------- Reviewed by
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