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AVP Armageddon

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-11-05 23:11:00
9 просмотров
click, for all the elementals have 1 normal and 3 elemental (right click through them to cycle through) but the wind has 1 1st normal one without right clicking is normal bite, 2nd is elemental attack, 3rd is special element attack, and 4th is 1 hit KO (only get to use this 1 time till you die, then when you respawn you can use it again) Predators: Disc Master --- A Varaity of Discs to throw! But they dont lock. Hunter Brawler Stalker Hydra Predator --- Has a Varaity of Energy Based weapons. Spear Master Grim Elder Humans (Corp and Rine): Ninja Zombie Hazmat Combat Synth Nemesis Rebecca Exosuit Vanessa **WEAPONS!** Predator: Poison Dart Big Disc Fast Disc Multi Discs Brawler Blades x Nets Smoke Proximity Bombs Ice Spear Javilon Energy Spear Energy Gun Fire Dart Acid Cloud Gun Hyrda Cannon Floating Plasma Boeys Scythe (Still working on the positioning for it to look like he is holding it right!) (also needs a skin) Flying Flaming Skull And More! Human (Corp and Rine): .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Stun/Blind Dart Zombie Bite Katana (3rd Person Only, needs skin) Smoke Bombs ----- Knife Kunai ------ Knife Zombie Acid Vomit Double Barrel Shotgun Chainsaw And More! Fixed/Modified Weapons: Shotgun Buck Shot Railgun Recoil No lock on Smartgun No lock on Discs
Aliens vs Predator: ARMAGEDDON MOD **CHARACTERS!** Aliens: Fire Alien Water/Ice Alien Wind Alien Earth/Poison Alien Queen Chameleon (((How to use the Alien attacks:))) Right
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