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Commando Modification

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-23 22:05:00
26 просмотров
sure this MOD will please that guy. AvP2 Commando is not a super-realistic or movie-esque MOD (it has some AVP-R sounds though) it's more like a funny Arcade MOD with a slight influence of realism. I guarantee: it's way different than my previous MODS. Another reference to AVP-R is the Predalien, he's the real star in this MOD, you can browse the readme file for more information about AvP2 Commando and its features. If you think the preview pics aren't enough, take a look at there... //www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIXNwjFKaF4&feature=channel_page (remember, the one showed in the video is the beta version of this MOD) Now have fun boys and girls :-)
Hi everyone! FBV86 here... I cant recall it exactly, but i am pretty sure some time ago, someone said that AVP2 is very easy to beat, even on the harcore difficulty level. Well, i am pretty
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