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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Armada 2
Armada 2 Upgrade Project

Armada 2 Upgrade Project

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-06 00:04:00
6 просмотров
you don't need to and with screenshots like the one's below, who need's to be complicated, eh? The biggest perk is that this WORKS ONLINE. So, you can enjoy new textures whilst beating the enemy to a pulp, something we all want. Fantastically, the other person does not need this. Other perks, well, the screenshots say it all really. There's some fantastic texture jobs here and the backgrounds are very nice in deed, definitely worthy of what Armada 2 should've been. So, simply, install this and enjoy your new textures because it's definitely worth it. Those 56kers, you'll want to stay online to have this and for those with broadband, give this a whiz in a minute or two and sit back and enjoy it. Anyhow, enjoy this, I thoroughly recomment it! Oh, and another good perk - AutoInstaller! I mean, anything that comes with one of these is just asking to be downloaded!
Some things don't need to be complicated to be good. If they were, we'd all be doing quantum mathematics. We're not though, which is good for a start. So, why change absolutely everything? Apparently
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