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Armada 2
Federation Starship Database

Federation Starship Database

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-10-04 00:10:00
7 просмотров
[url=\"http://armada2.filefront.com/news/Star_Trek_Armada_II_Evolution_Mod;34957\"]Star Trek Armada II: Evolution.[/url] Even though it\'s not a mod per say, alot of work went into this. Each shipname is accompanied by it\'s own respective registry number. This little dink of an addition might not be everyone\'s cup of tea but I for one used to get pretty vexed when I saw duplicate names in ship\'s odf or even when I ran out of names and everything that came out of the shipyards became \'U.S.S. [i]shipname[/i]-A\'. This file includes 3,500 shipnames and registries with 107 ship classes, although there are some dud names too like the \"[i]U.S.S. Handsome NCC-27001[/i]\" and the brilliantly named starship \" U.S.S. Voodoo\" which I think is a great shipname. Even my hometown is in there as a Callisto Class ship but I\'ve never heard of a Callisto Class, and there are hardly any country names in the database, such as \"U.S.S. Canada, U.S.S. Ireland, Poland, Outer Mongolia :p...etc\". The one thing to note is this is only a text file so these are not inputted in ODFs so you will have to search the text file to add them to whatever ODF you wish to. In relation to the Mod in question, [url=\"http://armada2.filefront.com/news/Star_Trek_Armada_II_Evolution_Mod;34957\"]Star Trek Armada II: Evolution[/url], this does seem to give some indication that there will be more new classes and ships in the bag. Download if you wish/ ;) [b]- IKS[/b]
Here is a strange but interesting little file for you, a database of Federation shipnames which will be present in the forthcoming
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