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Nemesis Romulan Icons

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-06 00:04:00
4 просмотра
anti-friendly and Reman for that matter) including the look of ships (Valdore/Norexan) and the logo associated with the empire. Gone was the blue and green hue of a bird\'s outstretched arms and in was a bird clutching two orbs (the twin planets of Romulus and Remus) in a cool-grey/silver. You might say then that these touches are quite small. In deed that would be right, but it\'s the small touches that make it better, right? For a start, the button to select non-assigned craft which was a D\'Deridex Warbird is now a Valdore/Norexan. The little icon that shows the amount of Centurions in the resource bar, the main race icon in the main part of the interface (the middle portion), Centurions in the craft and the large race icon in the map editor are now all changed to portray that of the grey bird. Nice, subtle touches that definitely make the Romulans a little more up-to-date. A shame it is then that these touches aren\'t on newer interfaces that on the whole may seem better than these little nicks, but regardless of that, this does add something a little special to the Romulans.
The name of the file might be a little confusing, but it\'s a lot simpler than it sounds. Nemesis changed the Romulans in quite a few ways (friendlier, for a start...bar the Scimitar which was the
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