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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Armada 2
ODF Mods
Defiant and Diamond Stock HP Maps

Defiant and Diamond Stock HP Maps

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-06 00:04:00
7 просмотров
and where ships can dock etc. etc. adm_tyler has gone to the trouble of easily mapping out the stock Defiant and Diamond craft with simple-to-understand hp map\'s and combined with recommended odf\'s that do differ from stock play and make them more powerful (better hull/shields and more weapons). So how is this helpful? Well, if you use stock material and want to mod them, by say putting weapons at different locations, hp maps enable you to view only that and the odf at the same time, other than having to go into a 3d modelling program and work it out from there. So, it saves time and this one looks pretty good. My only gripe is that there seems to have been a loss of balance from the stock game with the tweaked odf\'s, however needless to say I think both the Diamond and Defiant probably should\'ve been more powerful in the game then they were assigned to be, so I don\'t think much harm is done here. Download if you want.
Can anyone say useful? I certainly can and this certainly is. For those unsure, hp\'s or \'hardpoints\' are the locations on craft where when targeted, systems take damage, or where weapons fire from
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