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Armada 2
ODF Mods
The A2 Physics Project - The Weak Shall Perish! Species 8472

The A2 Physics Project - The Weak Shall Perish! Species 8472

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-26 00:04:00
4 просмотра
particularly appealing-- either as an adversary or as a concept. So when thunderfoot006 told me he wanted to work out the physics used by canon 8472, then apply them to our still-kickin' Physics Project, I was all for it. I didn't expect him to come up with anything overnight.... ;) I just tried these out in game, and to be honest, so much of 8472 in this game is based on a conjecture-- even more than any other race, even the Borg. And they're a total nightmare to face already in stock. And thunderfoot006 has gone way out of his way to make these guys as close to the fluidic norm as you can hope for in a mod. I'll leave it to y'all to see if you like what he and Chiletrek came up with. As it's a pretty safe bet, since Chiletrek is the resident expert on Species 8472, I'm pretty certain you'll appreciate this addition to the Physics Project. - the Kid :cool:
So last night, thunderfoot006 and I got to talking about Species 8472. Between the two of us, we've seen three, maybe four episodes featuring Species 8472. More than that, I've never found them to be
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