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Star Trek: Armada II Patch 1.1

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-01-27 23:01:00
15 просмотров
the deflector pulse and even total conversions that change all aspects of the game to make it even better! For new ships, stations, weapon effects and more click [url="http://armada2.filefront.com/files/Armada_2;16index"][b]HERE[/b][/url] For our forums, where you can meet other fans and the people that made these mods click [url="http://forums.filefront.com/forumdisplay.php?f=136"][b]HERE.[/b][/url] To download the Armada II 1.1 patch please scroll down and select a download mirror. For more details on what is changed, please read below. Notes: The upgrade will work for the Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/ME versions of Armada II (US, UK, and German). Saved games from Version 1.0 of Armada II will not work with Version 1.1. [b]New Changes:[/b]Adjusted the power of Borg Cubes for better balance Health bars of ships in the ship display now display the color of the ship's shields: green for full health, red for almost depleted and blue for no shields. Added a metal cost to creating a fusion cube. It will now cost 750 metal to form the fusion cube. It will cost 1500 metal to form the Tactical Fusion cube. Increased max zoom-out in strategic view from 1500 to 2200. Added 'F' as hotkey to bring up Formations menu. Added a left-click interface mode. Left click will give orders and select, while right click will be to deselect. Species 8472 fleets using the bio-pulse conduit now share damage (e.g. 50 points of damage to one ship gets dealt out as 10 points to each of 5 ships in the fleet) when the frigate is targeted.[b]Multiplayer/Instant Action Enhancements:[/b] Improved the game's Artificial Intelligence with numerous tweaks. Added an option to disallow map downloads, or only download after asking. Minimaps will display immediately after map download. You can recrew a station while life support is down. To save a multiplayer game, press CTRL+S. To load a saved game, you can choose it from the map selection screen in multiplayer. Added a slider for ship (not station) build times. Added a slider for global unit cost. Added a slider for map depth. Added a Slower Physics button. This will cause larger ships to turn and accelerate more slowly, more in line with the physics of ships seen in Star Trek shows and movies. This will affect Federation, Cardassian, Romulan, and Klingon vessels. Per fan requests, added an "Early Upgrade" techtree, which allows the ship upgrade facility to be built immediately after the first research facility is built. [b]New Fixes:[/b] Eliminate the warp jumpiness of the AI. Your own ships will not attack your fleet. Fixed fireball explosions. Fixed Radeon 8500 performance issue by disabling vertex buffer flushing for Radeon Optimizations for path planning system. For a complete list of changes, please see the Armada II 1.1 Patch Readme at the end of the patch installation. The readme will be available in the root directory of the Armada II folder after installation.
Hi, you have reached Armada2files.com one of the biggest armada2 fan sites. You may not be aware, but you can add exciting new things like the Prometheus class starship, devestating weapons like
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