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Advanced Mining Station

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-20 22:09:00
6 просмотров
sneak sniping attack on your mining ops, if you have this baby in your ranks. This advanced mining station has got impressive defence capabilities (along with it\'s Type XI Phasers); [list][*]Sensor Jammer - it may be Romulan but if you can suck in enough enemy ships to attack your mining base this weapon can render them useless in combat giving you a perfect chance to ambush them with a Fleet hiding somewhere nearby. [*]Shield Emitter - If your Fleet fails miserably in ambushing the Romulans give them a blast of this :) [*]Corbomite Reflector - The Torpedo stopper. This will ensure you last considerable and sustained attacks by superior forces. [/list] Cool mod, keep up the good work andyx100 :thumbsup: [b]- IKS[/b]
Ever build a mining station on the front-lines, far away from your staging grounds, only for it to be taken down in a quick attack? Well the Romulans will think twice the next time they attempt a
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