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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Heavy Torpedo Turret

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-09-09 22:09:00
3 просмотра
and enter your controlled space. With 6 torpedo launchers and some good defences, you\'re going to need to pack a whollop to take her down. Her textures are very clean along with the model itself and an animation allowing the turrets to actually rotate (a nice feature you\'ll find). The model itself is pretty flawless, so no complaints there. The mod as a package is complete. This means a build button, wireframe, admirals pic etc. For that sake, I believe it is a worthy addition. The station itself is also balanced for play and whilst she is multi-targeting, it has longer reload times than the stock torpedo turret, costs more to build and drains resources. However, you\'re not likely to find better defence in turret terms, so for those who don\'t like to use precious ships defending their base, this one is for you.
This is a fix of the Torpedo Turret recently uploaded (and then deleted, as this fixes the bug in it). This very heavily armed turret is capable of stopping on-coming fleets of ships as they try
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