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Citadel Isle

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-03-03 00:03:00
7 просмотров
heightmap editor Chimaera\'s object placer T2 - texture generating program Photoshop and notepad of course =) Btw, the reason the zip is so small, is the use of low-res terrain textures. * Description: This map is designed to be fun, not to be overly realistic. Citadel Isle is the central island. It has got two outposts, one at the beach and one at the top of a high hill, being the citadel. From the citadel you can make insane take-overs off the lower base. Drive a jeep off the cliff in direction of the lower base, and jump off and parachute in mid-air! The hillbase hangar is quite original. There is no airfield, just a vertical drop into the see =). One idea I had when I started this map was to make use of landing boats, and designed map as such. I\'ve also modified their speed so they go more than twice as fast now. They have also got a little boost on their armor, so they won\'t get shot down by the planes so easily. * Installation Put the *.rfa in x:\\\"your bf folder\"\\mods\\bf1942\\archives\\bf1942\\levels Easy! * Contact/Suggestions/Bug report/Gifts: ulf.hammarqvist@telia.com www.warg.tk
[quote]Citadel isle (1.0) ------------------ Done completely by Warg (Ulf Hammarqvist) This is the first release of my first map for Battlefield 1942. I created it with: Madbull\'s
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