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Baghdad Intl Airport 0.99

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-22 00:04:00
7 просмотров
day US forces took over Saddam Intl Airport. Way to go boys :D - Have not yet baked lightmaps - Temp removed indoor airport terminal access - Textures are not final! This is beta. - Please send all bugs and ideas to support@espklan.com UNINSTALL Simply delete Baghdad_Intl_Airport.rfa from your Desert Combat levels folder. THANKS Much props go out to Perfectionist and Rexman.. for if it was not for them, you would not be installing this map right now. Also, thanks to the thousands or men and women who are putting their lives on the line so that I can sit here freely and make this map for you. GOd Bless America :D [/quote]
[quote]BAGHDAD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT BETA LATEST by Greg Stringer A.K.A. [EsP]187 of EsPionage Klan http://www.espklan.com Tuesday April 22st, 4:20am cst BETA NOTES I started this map the
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