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DC Black Hawk Down

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-10-29 00:10:00
8 просмотров
earlier attempts at a Black Hawk Down map. not to insult the makers of those maps, but in my opinion they did not put enough effort into truly bringing scenes if the movie into their maps (for instance putting ural tankers, stingers, and a bunch of those white lostvillage houses on their map - just didnt make sense to me what they were thinking when they made it). Im not sure they understood what was really goin on logistically in the movie. This map is as close to the movie as i could possibly manage. flag areas and city sites were constructed using screenshots and video clips i took of the movie (using Fraps). Gameplay has been significantly changed from normal DC as well to reflect the movie style of combat. With this map, I also wanted to explore bf mapping-which can be a tricky business at times. in addition i think this map stands as something of a tribute to a great movie. a true fan of the movie i think will truly enjoy this, while the novelty will no doubt be lost on some. a lot of work went into this, so enjoy it as much as you can, at the end of the day - you dont lose anything.
DC Black Hawk Down is based entirely off of the popular movie, which im a big fan of. I undertook the task of making this map for a few reasons. The main one was the dissapointment i have with
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