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Iraq Map Update

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-10 00:04:00
5 просмотров
of hell! Control the Chemical Factory, secure outposts and mass forces to take over the town. Don’t forget the abandoned Iraqi airfield for that bomber/A10 Go on - change a regime TODAY!!! Iraq.rfa- Standard iraq.rfa with updated DC3 weapons and vehicles. By popular demand the map now contains less planes. Iraq_week2.rfa- Both allied and axis forces have now secured the various outposts- A tank battle begins to develop. Map is still focused on taking control of the town. Iraq_week3.rfa- Allied forces now control the town and destroyed all of the opposition\'s air support. Defend the control points from the Iraqi offensive! NOTE- the allied base is now takeable! **New custom skies included in week2 and 3!** IRAQupdate_setup.exe - installs the Desert Combat files that are required IraqREADME.txt - this file TECHNICAL Tested on BF1942 latest patch and Desert Combat. Runs great on our 2200/1800/1300 processors with 512mb on ATI video cards 8500 and 9700. If you have a FPS problem turn off lightmaps/shadows as some areas of the map have loads. IMPORTANT NOTE: This map is only for multiplayer conquest running a DC3 server. Do not attempt to run it otherwise. You do not have permission to alter and distrubute these files without my consent. Thanks for downloading and enjoy! Major Load {/quote] *** Iraq Map http://www.bf1942files.com/file.info?ID=11547
[quote]A Battlefield 1942, Conquest Map, including Desert Combat RFA. Attack Iraq!!! Someone’s gonna do it – why not you? Allied and Iraqi forces collide in an abandoned town and stir up all kinds
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