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Storm of Steel

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-08-16 00:08:00
12 просмотров
Regiments of the 216th Division has blazed through the area but has now reached the massive defences the russians have set up to stop the agressors before they reach Kursk. The Soviet positions, containing six defensive belts, were strong and deep. In front of each belt of strong points are vast mine-fields averaging 5,000 mines per mile of front. To aid their breakthrough attempt, the Wurttemburgers are reinforced with assault guns and heavy tanks. In the morning hours of the 5th, the Germans began to rumble forward in a storm of steel...
This map take place in the Orel province of Russia, july 5th 1943. It is the opening of Operation Citadel and the scene of the battle is near the town of Maloarkhangelsk. The German Wurttemburg
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