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Stunting Grounds V0.26

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-03-29 00:03:00
7 просмотров
towers at night, thus the original name of Forest, but that quickly changed when I started making a cliff for jumping jeeps, so it became a stunt map. The map is currently in public beta stages, it will remain beta until all the reported bugs are fixed, I get more objects and terrain detail in it, and everyone appears to be happy with it. The editor I use is Battlecraft 1942, very easy compared to many other editors with the fact that I got a map working on my first try after using it for a few minutes, I couldn\'t get a map close to working with the other editors after days trying to figure it out. There was one other map which was used primarily for testing the map editor, which was my first working map, obviously named \'Test\'. Please do not claim this map as your own or try making money from it, you may modify it and give it out as long as you mention me as the creator (i.e. \'Created by: Pilot_51/modified by: you\'), I also recommend you keep this information file with it. If you claim it as your creation by removing my name as the creator and I find out, I\'ll take drastic measures (it\'s happened once already). As long as you follow that rule, I encourage the modification, distribution, and use of my map. Thanks! Contact me with bug reports, suggestions, questions, or comments (basically anything to do with my map, big or small) with any of the communication mediums listed below. Don\'t forget to mention the version of the map you have. If you include your nickname with the bug report or suggestion and I like it, I\'ll add you to the credits below, please say so if you don\'t want to be added to the credits. The credits are in alphabetical order and I will update any names that I find have changed. It\'s likely that I missed a few, so if you\'re not in the credits and you\'ve contacted me with a suggestion or bug report that I used, please let me know and I\'ll add you to the credits. I am now clanless. Much thanks to the Lightning Raiders Squad «L·R·S» and Victory Is Assured [VIA] for being two great clans I\'ve been a member of during my first couple years of BF1942 gaming.
This map was created by me (Pilot_51), it was my first map seriously considered for public release. It was first made in hopes of creating a somewhat large forest with some small ponds and guard
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