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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-03-12 00:03:00
12 просмотров
are of vital significance for the entire front::The high command makes it incumbent on you not to spare your health and life and not to stop ANY sacrifice in order to defend Stalingrad,\ and crush the enemy:::::::message ends. such was the situation on the russia front in late 1942 that Stalingrad was going to be a cauldron of horror and suffering... hi there Pokerchip again and this time as promised I deliver "STALINGRAD" upgraded. As before-this is a SP map only and has been tested only on version 1.2 ,I naturally can't guarantee that this will work with version 1.3 or 1.31 :) but it should I guess, anyho here's a list of the changes.... ..new scenery and more SFX ...1 all-new Russian Control point WITH spawnpoints that can also be captured by the germans,plus to heat up the battle I've given the Russian base by the river a browing MG and top that off the base is now takeable..... ...The new Russian CP also comes with 1 LendLease Sherman and a browning MG ...NEW equipment Axis Forces----3 Panzer IV's. 1 Sturmgeschutz 1 APC and 1 Pak 40 ATgun (RTR required) for base anti-tank defense Soviet Forces---2 T-34's 2 LendLease Sherman's (use russian skins) 1 LendLease APC (use russian skins ) and 1 AT25 Anti-Tank gun (RTR required) ..new thumbnail for the SP menu ..modified AI strategies for more agressive tactics on both sides WATCH OUT ..and a modified height map....on that score big thanks to MAD BULL for the Heightmap Editor v1.11, without which this mod would have taken several weeks to achieve... [/quote]
[quote]August 9th,1942 ..quote :::::message received from STAVKA::::::::to all frontline commanders:::Defense of Stalingrad and defeat of the enemy that is approaching from the west and the south
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