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DAK Skins

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-16 00:04:00
13 просмотров
work. All of these textures were developed by LT.DEADPIE In early February 1941, the Italian Army was on the brink of a disastrous defeat in North Africa. This situation prompted Hitler to send in the Afrikakorps, under the command of Erwin Rommel, who later earned fame as the Desert Fox. The DAK made its first contact with the British forces on 24 February and subsequently pushed the British back to the Halfaya Pass. The British formed the Eighth Army and stopped the German’s advance further into Egypt. With a long supply line, the DAK was forced to retreat due to increasing British attacks. 1941 and 1942 saw both sides fighting a seesawing battle in the Western Desert. Montgomery came to the scene in July 1942 and turned the tide for the British. With the undersupplied Germans pushed back to Tunisia, the Americans landed in Northwest Africa and eventually the Allies liberated North Africa. The 15th Panzer Division gradually arrived in Africa over an extended period of time from late April until mid-June, 1941. The light companies (Pz.IIs & IIIs) arrived at the front in time to close on Tobruk, and the medium companies (Pz.IVs) arrived at the front in July. The 21st Panzer Division was formed from a reorganized and strengthened 5th Light Division in October of 1941, and the 5th Panzer Regiment remained as its main armored contingent. The division symbol was widely and prominently carried on most of its vehicles. LT.DEADPIE=ISK=/STUKA=ISK= Rebel Creations Team Check out the Rebel Creations webpage for other skin packs: http://isksquad.com/rebelrecreations.htm If you have any problems with this skin pack please post on our forum [/quote]
[quote]To install these textures all you need to do is extract the files into any of the africa map texture files. IMPORTANT : You need to have a Texture sets installed on your system to make this
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