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Jingo's Kursk Skin Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-27 00:05:00
7 просмотров
skin pack fot Kursk map.German vehicles with camo,tanks with "Zimmerit",patch of 3rd SS "Totenkopf",both skull and tactical mark,soldiers with poly-spot smock,smoked hands and faces,medic with sidecap.BF 109 JG52 of ace Gerhard Barkhorn.Soviet vehicles with green green/brown colour,added insignias,soldiers with khahi uniform,smoked hands and faces, medic with sidecap.Yak-9 3rd fighter corps of ace I.Federov. "Operation Zitadelle(citadel)" After the Stalingrad disaster Hitler needed a big victory.The Kursk salient(an earlier bulge)seemed as the right target.Being the logical next step in the German advance after conquering Kharkov in March 1943,the Russians anticipated this move. The massive troop set up and intelligence information from their "Lucy" spy network in Germany and intercepted ultra codes by the British gave the opportunity to trap the German forces and start a counter offensive.The military and some 300000 civilians set up massive minefields,tank traps,anti-tank gun positions,dug-in tanksand other fortifications.Furthermore huge forces were cocentrated.1,3 million men,3600 tanks,20000 pieces of artillery and 2400 planes were facing 90000 German soldiers,2700 tanks and 2000 planes.On the 4th of July 1943 the battle began.After both sides had massively bombed each other with artillery and air raids the German advance started with heavy losses of men and material.Most of the new tanks like Tiger,Panther and Elephant got stuck in the minefields and were shot to pices by anti tank artillery.Eventually the elite divisions "Grossdeutschland",and SS "LSSAH","Das Reich" and "Totenkopf" were pushing forward by forming the "Panzerkeil" meaning Tiger spearheads followed by Panther,PIV and PIII.Tanks were firing at each other at point blank range so both airforces were unable to join ground fight because the massive smoke and dust.It is reported that the temperatures in the center of the battle were so high that the bodies of the soldiers were burnt to ashes.When the allies landed in Sicily Hitler called off the operation.The Germans had lost around 100000 men dead or wounded and most of their armoured offensive capacities,the soviets 250000 dead,600000 wounded. These files are dds if you don't have a texture folder or MC4.0(finally!),they must be reconverted with MakerRfa. Thx to all my fans,all the talented skinners and modders and especially the MC team(good luck Killah!) Stay tuned,there's more to come,Jingo. E-mail:Getaway30@hotmail.com/Sulaco@onlinehome.de "Reason separates man from animals." [/quote]
Please download the missing files zip with this file http://www.bf1942files.com/file.info?ID=14618 [quote] Jingo's Kursk skin pack Hi folks,here is my
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