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Ring of Fire Skin Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-04-01 00:04:00
10 просмотров
authors of the rest..historically accurate ...generally ..nah..fun and visually cool..hell yeah..ill be playing this one at our national Lan at easter.. GOT MERCILESS... the ring_of_fire folder goes here Battlefield 1942\\TextureSets\\BF1942\\Ring_Of_Fire and the Ring_Of_Fire_705.RFA goes here Battlefield 1942\\Mods\\MC1942_TexSet\\archives\\bf1942\\levels you can also extract the level and replace all the dds in the text folder with the dds included in this download then just remake the rfa if you do that then theres no need for the Ring_Of_Fire_705.RFA authors:.. willy sport.............\"wish\" stunt kubel...........\"[SKR | Charles Manson]\" wespe....................\"PorkNBeans\" hannomag............\"Devil A.K.A [3rdA[{AF} Devil*Col*\" acp........................\" CoolCommander\" sherman...............\"supercharge by Kevin Clover \" priest....................\"Azag-Thoth\" zero......................\"Mainstream Disease by Devil\" spitfire................\"Pirate Spitfire. --==Da Pigalos==--\" jap.....................\"G.O.C.\'s Japaneese pacific soldier\" brits...................\"[VS-UK]Pvt.Herriot[A/7Para]\" ...............[OCNZ_ELITE] L3_dOg.................. ......BF42_Mod @ JetStreamGames_nz........... [/quote]
[quote]okay heres a few skins from my collection for this ctf map.. the map itself is here: http://www.bf42.com/index.php?site=file&id=46 remember the wish jeep its in there..you can pin the
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