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"The Final Encounter"

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-05-26 00:05:00
13 просмотров
Combat _______________________________________________________ Introduction: You may have all heard of the "incidents" during operation Iraqui Freedom, in which United States Marines ran into Iraqui troops dressed in their civilian clothing, and pretending to be surrendering. As soon as U.S. Forces came near these soldiers, they would open fire on the troops, these events became some of the bloodiest and most hard-fought battles of the short-lived war. Using this as inspiration I decided to try and recreate what these scenes would look like inside of Battlefield 1942, even more so, Desert Combat. And when I begun work on the first marines, I had already known it would work out extremely well. The thought of fighting ragged, bloody, and fierce battles against an unforgiving and unmerciful enemy, is what I wanted to recreate. Of course there is no way I could make it feel like the real thing simply by changing the color of these 3D items, so I attempted new things which have never been seen on Desert Combat before, and with this I tried to get as close to the real thing as possible. For many people in the real battlefield, quarrels such as the one I described above were in fact their Final Encounter, and what most gamers should understand is that in real life there are no respawns, this was one of my goals. Scaring the crap out of you. _______________________________________________________ Contents: With this skin-pack you will find many amazing things, and many ugly things, ugly in a good way, so here's a short list of what I have created for the skin pack. Battle weary, bloody, civilian clothed Iraqui Forces (opposition) Battle weary, bloody, United States Marines (coalition) M1A1 T-72 Humvee BRDM2 Bradley Blackhawk M16 AK47 M25 Tabuk Beretta Hippo Remington Saiga And of course the bloody knives. From the M1A1 down: These are all Battle-weary-blown-the-crap-out-of-blood- stained-exploded and shelled skins. And you will love them. Included are several different faces including my black guy "Jamal" and an all-new bearded guy "Brian". The iraquis have custom faces as well. ________________________________________________________ Extras: Along with all of the beautiful skins, I have included many goodies, all packed away neatly inside the Extras folder, please make sure to check it out. ________________________________________________________ Installation: *NOTE* Please make sure you have the DCTextures add-on, if you do not, I have included it with this .zip, it is inside of the Extras folder. Also all of these skins are meant for Desert Combat .35e. To Install: Unzip all files to any folder you want, then pick out all of the RFAs inside of the Final Encounter folder, then place them on any level you wish to have it in. For Example: If you want it inside of Stalingrad, you would copy the files to: C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\DCTextures\Stalingrad And that's it. _________________________________________________________ Recommendations: In order to get the most out of this skinpack I recommend that you turn your graphics to as high as you can possibly get them. They are very detailed skins and look best in high quality resolution. If your computer lags alot with high graphics settings, then try turning your sound quality, khz, and channels, to the lowest settings possible, it did a great deal of help for me. *Take advantage of the Extras I put here, If you don't already have them, try them out, you might just be the next Michelangelo of the bf1942 skinning world. I'm still learning things actually. *Use Merciless Creation's BloodFX on DC, you can do it by getting MC 4.0 and adding the following line to the DesertCombat init.con: game.addModPath Mods/MC1942_FX1/ using the BloodFX mod from Merciless makes this bloody battle all the more realistic, believe me. *This skin pack looks absolutely best on Berlin, Stalingrad, Kursk (the wood- land bloody cammos I put in Extras folder) Arbadeen, Battleaxe, and Tobruk. They look good in Kharkov as well, but it's kind of foggy in there, not as vibrant. *I attempted to put .rfa's here to allow you to play the other maps (like DC_Lost Village) with my skin, but for some reason they wont work. If someone finds out how to get it right (using the DCTextures) please contact me. (I'm doing something wrong with the init.con.) __________________________________________________________ Special Thanks: PorkN'Beans Headhunter (DCTextures) Desert Combat Merciless Creations PlanetBattlefield (and Gamespy) bf1942files.com DICE/EA PC GAMER WW3: Operation Phoenix CNN Photoshop RFA Extractor RFA Packer (same guy as above, sheesh I lost the readme) Coca-Cola Dunkin Donuts Whomever I forgot (like they care) And the United States Marine Corps __________________________________________________________ Now it's Time to Play: Hopefully you read everything, and if you did you're reading this, I spent several hours completing this skin pack, and I hope (as I always do) that you will enjoy it at least half as much as I do (those stalingrad fights are sweet) because if you do, it will mean that I did my job. Now get to your fighting soldier! Semper Fidelis, Titus Lieutenant Colonel United States Marine Corps ___________________________________________________________ Contact Info: Got comments? need help? just email me at sithlorda80@hotmail.com, I am sometimes found around the planetbattlefield forums. [/quote]
[quote]Lieutenant Colonel Titus Presents Operation Iraqui Freedom "The Final Encounter" A skin pack for Desert
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