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Operation Fox

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-23 22:09:00
12 просмотров
twist on the same basic map, and it works beautifully. On either side of the river there is a whole new city section that fits in perfectly with the map design, and surrounding it is forest with light overgrowth, but very dense plants and bushes underfoot that make it very hard to see people grass ninja-ing. Gameplay wise, the map is very sound. I tried it in the 16-player Singleplayer mode and it worked fantastically. The bots sure as hell knew what they were doing, and they did it well. I feel as though the 16-pl size is still a bit too big however, and there's a fair way to walk. Some transport vehicles or maybe even an APC per side would have spiced things up, blowing up vehicles in close-quarters city combat. The one absolutely shining aspect of this map is environment. Rolling thunder, dim lighting, a hissing from the grass and trees as you walk through them - all of them combine to make a stunning experience that feels much more real than most other BF2 maps I've played (especially the DICE ones, which apart from Sharqi seem so lifeless and unabsorbing). All in all, another stunner from imtheheadhunter. Keep 'em coming :D ~RussianComrade
The first of four great new maps by imtheheadhunter, Operation Fox. This map is based on the BF1942 map Kharkov. I loved that map in BF42 and what imtheheadhunter has done is put a whole new
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