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MaDS voice recognition for bfv

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-01 22:07:00
12 просмотров
bfv ^^^^^^ info: ^^^^^ this is a lil voice recognition prog used in several games i just made a script for bfv plz note it only for most radio commands u can add others by editing my script i found it fun and ez to use an thought it worked quite well i hope u enjoy it as much as i did :P i recommend that u have a good mic and u are in a quite environment. i enclose a full list of commands. buildtime: about 1 hour + testing :) ^^^^^^^^^^ important ^^^^^^^^^ To use SHOOT you must first have a SAPI 5.1 compatible speach recognition engine such as the one included in some versions of Windows XP. If you do not have it, you can download it from the SHOOT (about a 40 meg d/l ) homepage here: http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/downloads.php You must also have Microsoft .NET Framework. You can download that from Microsoft here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=D7158DEE-A83F-4E21-B05A-009D06457787&displaylang=en If you have any other questions you can visit the SHOOT trouble-shooting here: http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/troubleshooting.php Or the SHOOT forums here: http://www.gameclubcentral.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewforum&f=39 Install Notes: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unzip to any dir Open SHOOT by clicking on the SHOOT.exe Go to FILE/OPEN and select the sof2.xml profile @ shoot\\profiles\\bfv.xml If you havnt already it will ask you to \"train\" the voice recognition software. I recommend you train as much as possible- at least 15-30 minutes for best results. To train more, in SHOOT go to SPEECH/RECOGNITION/TRAINING. The phrase you must speak to issue a command is under Phrase. The KeyStrokes this command performs is under KEYS. These keys are designed to work with the default controls. If you have your keys mapped to different locations, you can change by using notepad to open the sof2.xml file in the Shoot/Profiles folder right click onit goto edit and then edit it to the keys you want. Also you can view the SHOOT documentation here: http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/documentation.php I recommend that you pracice your voice recognition a good bit, it really helps. commands ^^^^^^^^ command name= what it is phrase= what u have to say command name=\"roger\" phrase=\"roger\"> note ^^^^ SHOOT was made by Martin Traverso, the homepage is here: http://clans.gameclubcentral.com/shoot/ i just made the script for it :) made by: mad for it email: th_mad_4_it@hotmail.com
MaDS voice recognition for bfv ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Title: MaDS voice recognition for
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