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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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BFV-X Mini-Mod Release

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-03-17 23:03:00
13 просмотров
cameras for soldiers Increased mag ammo for M-14 from 10 to 20 Increased M60 deviation Swapped heavy assault M-79 and LAW for grenades Swapped assault grenades for M-79 and LAW Created new BFV Textures system for easily switching textures on maps or specific environments Enabled all maps to work with BFV-X Changed mini-mod server info icon [/quote] Awesome! Well, this will give the gamers of BFV something else to chew on as they enjoy the splendor of this new and awesome game. Thanks Zeuser! Download this baby now! See everyone on the battlefield!
Hello everyone! We have here yet another sweet mod release for BFV. This time it comes from a Dev of the DCX team. I'll let the update on the mod explain itself! [quote] Enabled external
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