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e-dalgo Mod (Reviewed)

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-08 22:08:00
19 просмотров

[img][/img] Ok, ill tell you my story about this mod! I came on BFVFiles.com and i saw "2 new files" First i clicked the E-Dalgo mod, i saw the file size and the pictures and i thought: "Ah, this mod wouldn't be so fun" But i must download it cauz im the file reviewer. So i downloaded it and installed it too. I loaded the map Ho Chi Minh Trail cauz in the Read me they wrote: "The XM148 Grenade Launcher only have 99 rounds, instead of 999. You'll see why if/when you play." So i spawned as CAR-15/XM148 and shoot with the Grenade Launcher... I saw 5 grenades were coming out of the weapon in 1 second... WITHOUT reloading, You'll be invinceble with that weapon, but the LAW, M79, SA-7, RPG-2 and RPG-7v has 99 ammo, but no 'automatic fire' But i played further and i owned all bots. Then i got in one of those tanks, they shoot those Missiles and the alternate fire is a flametrower, Very strong! I didn't die with the tank... Later i wanted to play a other map, the map Operation Flaming Dart. You see all those smoke tracers of all plane and choppers, don't worry, they will disappear after a while, but is is very handy too search enemy planes, so i owned those bots again ;) And then i got the M1911 pistol... It had 999 bullets and it shoots like a M60! If you zoom in and shoot you see the bullets. I played it like 2 hours? I stopped because i thaught about the review... And, you can't play the mod on internet or LAN, i don't know why. I wanted to play online with the mod, but you can't. And sooo much firepower and those bots, make the game very laggy. U need a good computer to play it without lags. They are going to make custom skins and textures, custom maps, fix some bugs, the networking problem. So the next version of E-Dalgo will be bigger. I'm giving it a 7,5 because it's fun and much new stuff in a small file. -CrAzYGuNneR BFVFiles.com Staff
This is the latest version of the e-dalgo mod, version 2.1 which fixes the 1.1 compatibillity issues and adds alot
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