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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Panis Mini-Mod Release

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-03-17 23:03:00
15 просмотров
musicplayers Added hooks to all vehicles - some are the default hooks (eg the uaz uses the mutt hook) and some are custom (the chinook is crazy heavy and the vespa is really light for example) Added ah1 winch to mi8 transport (not assault, because i dont feel like fiddling with the weapons too much on it) Removed m60 from m60-law kit, now this kit has the mossberg shotgun. the m79 kit still has the m60 [/quote] Thats awesome! Great to have at least something of a mod out with the release of the game! Keep up the good work Panis Team! Check out the screenshots for this mod below! See everyone on the battlefield!
Hello everyone! This is the Panis Mod. I'll post up the features so that I dont have to explain. Read on soldiers! [quote] Turned ObjectTemplate.autoShutOff to 0 for all vehicle's
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