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Zeke's New Weapons Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-11-04 23:11:00
19 просмотров
weapon selection menu for all teams Adds Scoped Gewehr 43 for Germans Gives two potatoes to Panzerschreck troops in place of grenades (potatoes do contact damage but, of course, don't explode)This mod contains both server- and client-side files, which means servers and clients alike will have to download and install the mod for it to function properly. Pictures on the weapon selection menu are not available because there is currently no way (as far as I know) to convert to the .iwi image format used in Call of Duty 2.-xXezekielXx PS: It's pure coincidence that Johny KCZ released his Scoped Gewehr 43 mod just a little while ago; I started on this little weapons mod of mine a number of days ago. Sorry to Johny from me for coming out with this at about the same time. :(
Here's my first mod in quite some time, so enjoy it for now. :P Read the following list of features and notes, check out the screenshots below, and download it now! ;) Adds Panzerschreck to the
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