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All rifles mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-12-30 00:12:00
13 просмотров
[COF]DaniFilth modded by FLUO Purpose: 1) Removes all weapons but rifles, (bolt, semi-auto and sniper), from the menu system, (only). (See config instructions for details). 2) Removes MG42 turrets from maps. 3) Pistols are now enabled/disabled via the config. To allow pistols, scr_allow_pistols must be on. To disallow pistols, scr_allow_pistols must be off. 4) One smoke grenade is now given to every player. Smoke grenades are (still) enabled/disabled via the config. 5) Frag grenade counts for bolt-action rifles and semi-auto rifles are now set via the config. To set the bolt frag grenade count, set bolt_fraggrenades_count to a number between 1-3. To set the semi frag grenade count, set semi_fraggrenades_count to a number between 1-3. Frag grenades are (still) enabled/disabled via the config. 6) Includes the Scoped G43 rifle. To allow the Scoped G43 rifle, scr_allow_g43_sniper must be on. To disallow the Scoped G43 rifle, scr_allow_g43_sniper must be off. 7) Allow/disallow killed players to drop weapons/grenades switch now included. To allow weapons/grenades to drop, scr_allow_drop_weapons and scr_allow_drop_grenades must be on respectively. To disallow weapons/grenades to drop, scr_allow_drop_weapons and scr_allow_drop_grenades must be off respectively. 8) It has a new weapon called Springfield, its the springfield without a scope. 9) It contains 1 shot mod and nodust mod. Install Instructions: Place the file into the Call of Duty/main folder for both the server and the client(s). If other weapons are not desired for play on the server, (i.e. nades, etc.), they must be turned off in the config. The server configuration is beyond the scope of this mod. Also, all clients MUST have access to the mod, otherwise, the clients menus will default to the stock menu. You must have sv_allowDownload enabled in your config for this. Uninstall Instructions: Delete the file "zzz_all_rifles_v1.6.iwd" from your "C:Program FilesActivisionCall of Duty 2main" folder. Config Instructions: You must turn off weapons you do not want on your server via the server config. (You can also turn off weapons that the mod allows, like sniper rifles or smoke grenades, by this method). Config Recommendation: // Server Settings set sv_pure "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set sv_allowDownload "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_drop_weapons "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_drop_grenades "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. // Grenades set scr_allow_smokegrenades "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_fraggrenades "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set bolt_fraggrenades_count "3" //Set between 1-3 set semi_fraggrenades_count "3" //Set between 1-3 // Pistols set scr_allow_pistols "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. //Bolt Rifles set scr_allow_enfield "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_kar98k "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_nagant "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_g43_sniper "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on (this is the springfield without a scope) //Semi Rifles set scr_allow_m1carbine "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_m1garand "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_g43 "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_svt40 "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. //Snipers set scr_allow_enfieldsniper "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_nagantsniper "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. set scr_allow_springfield "1" //Set 0 for off. Set 1 for on. // MGs set scr_allow_bar "0" set scr_allow_bren "0" set scr_allow_mp44 "0" set scr_allow_ppsh "0" //SMGs set scr_allow_sten "0" set scr_allow_mp40 "0" set scr_allow_thompson "0" set scr_allow_pps42 "0" set scr_allow_greasegun "0" // Shotgun set scr_allow_shotgun "0"
Everything is on the read me file : Filename: zzz_all_rifles_v1.6.iwd Game: Call of Duty 2 (1.2 Compatible) Mod: All Rifles Mod Version: 1.6 Date Completed: 30/12/09 Author:
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