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[DS]: Half-Life Server
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Frontlines R3L04D Beta

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-01 22:04:00
11 просмотров
Weapons Modes to play different all the gametypes available . Airborne support in many gametypes let you be a paratrooper falling from the sky . 4 Different Support Strikes (Tactical Airstrike/Heavy Bombing Strike/Artillery Strike/Mortar Strike) . Intelligent Server who admins the server for you the way you want . Intelligent Anti-Camping System coded to each gametype . Frontlines Weapons, brand new balance and behavior! . Medic System with a Medic Perk to let you save your wounded teamates . Full Rank System with Custom Classes + Create-A-Class INGAME . Frontlines Duel, where the last 2 will dispute the round with knifes . Frontlines Last Stand, a lot more realistic and fair to both sides . Intelligent Server that will make everything random and easy to admin . Help Mode, which you can play a realistic freeze-tag game in any team based gametype . Multi-Language Support to really ANY language you speak . Thousands of other features and options to let you do whenever you want
[b]Main Features[/b] . War Server with battlefields up to 3999 territories . 36 Brand New Gametypes (42 in total!) . HER with realistic Blood, Gore, Pain, Damage & Physics effects . 12
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