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Cylon Training Grounds

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-10-07 22:10:00
6 просмотров
from his favorite TV show, any guesses? This map is four player with skirmish support if you fancy it. At each start location you will find a large tiberium field with plenty of room for building your base. Each section of the map is pretty much walled off, with an open area in the center of the map. In the center of the map you will find a blue tiberium field and some garrisonable structures surrounding that area. Just slightly north and south of the center, you will find a set of two tiberium spikes with two garrisonable structures next to them. This map does something different, so reward it by downloading this and enjoy!
Enough with the same, boring map! Cylon Training Grounds actually stops being the same. This map boasts different textures, and it has a very different bridge system. The author said he got this
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