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Kydno Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-01-30 23:01:00
4 просмотра
tweaked every side from the Dark Crusade game. The Necrons now have a new way of approaching the battlefield. If you spawn one unit, that unit can create an entire army...so basically you have your own little regiments. As for the Imperial Gaurd, the author took his own idea from the "Dawn of Suck" mod (Which he is also known as DDman465) and kind of gave it a little kick in this one. Also, not to spoil anything but the Space Marines have a new unit called the "The Emperor"...interesting right? The author uses Corsix Mod Studio at the moment, and asks if anyone knows of another modding program please tell me. Check it out!
Here is a new version of Kydno Mod that adds new units, and tweaks more units from each side! Kydno Mod is a basic mod that perhaps is a bit unbalanced, but damn fun. The author mainly has now
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