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Jungle Morning

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-31 00:01:00
10 просмотров
Now, Jungle Morning Version 2.6 won the Dawnofwar.de Mapcontest. It has several changes to 2.4 and is way more interesting now. Also the amount of details increased drastically. I hope you like the map as much as I do and i would really like to see this map implented in some Mods or Leagues or whatever. Or you simply play it online with some friends. Have fun with it and drop me a comment if you like it or not, or tell me what you would like to change.
Hey there, this is the version 2.6 of Jungle Morning, which is a Dawn of War Winter Assault Jungle map for 2 Players. Some of you may already have downloaded version 2.4 which i uploaded a month ago.
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