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Havoc Edition Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-11 00:01:00
17 просмотров
for three defenders against 5 attackers. To play it properly there are some things to remember: -Make sure you use the \"Fixed positions\" option, otherwise you will not start at the right location. -Make sure you do set the teams accordingly. Player 1, 2 and 3 are team 1 and the other players team 2. -Take and hold is supported, but not Control Area. There are three strategic points for each side, but the number of resource points is unequal. This had to be done to keep the map balanced for the defenders. -I suggest you to use the Skirmish AI mod, it will make the AI much better and a worthy opponent. -Player one is in control of the gates, if you want you can destroy them by selecting them and pressing DELETE. -Player one is in the middle of the castle, this was made for better gameplay when playing this map in Skirmish. -This map is for the Winter Assault addon only. -Have fun! And use those Titan cannons, player 1!
5 huge Chaos armies besiege the imperial castle, in which three Space Marine chapters fight for their survival. Who will win this battle? Castle Assault is a Dawn of War: Winter Assault map made
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