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Dawn of War
Avenger Marines (strategies)

Avenger Marines (strategies)

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-06-27 00:06:00
6 просмотров
'recently'. i've used to use 'other' method(s), or 'strategies', yet here is what i've been doing to 'eliminate' certain problems with the too many possibilities 'problem' when deploying space marines against chaotic foes. that is, if you know dark crusade, you'll see that there are many strategies. yet that, deploying a strategy makes other 'combinations' not possible since, at least ~ deu unto the unit/vehicle cap thing they programmed, which (of course) can be by-passed by using a 'no-limit' mod. for example ~ ~ if you land a land - raider, two predator tanks, then a whirlwind, your only left with two on the vehicle cap. that means you can only land two land - speeders than, whereas the 'limit' on land - speeders is ten. yet, if you land all ten possible land speeders and two predator tanks, then you can't land any other vehicles etc. also, i'm not submitting this file (briefly describing avenger space marines) to tell anyone what to do or anything like that. its just to 'communicate' to others that (in theory), there are many ways you can 'deploy' your s p a c e m a r i n e s [/quote] An un-official guide to the Avenger Space Marines, and some space marine strategies for dawn of war. Looks interesting, give it a DL! -colonialhockey10
[quote] here is a 'brief' description of the chapter = = avenger space marines (un-official) and the strategy i've been deploying since i've been leading them in dawn of war, dark crusade
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