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Entrance to Hell

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-06-09 00:06:00
8 просмотров
cyberdemon. The challange is steep but it can be done with planning. These are simple boxy rooms, no fancy patch meshes or scripts used. I have lots to learn. I have used the Shambler monster made by Henk Bernhardt (Obi-Wan) and full credits to him for this amazing monster. I have also used the classic cyberdemon mode by Brian Wiener and full credits to him for getting old classic boss back. There are total of 9 rooms/maps. I have used vis portals in the large map but is still has low frame rates. some maps I had to use the caulk box to stop the leaks as I couldn't fix the leak. Some use of childish textures (lava and hells bloody textures) for sky and ceiling / floor. I am really looking forward to feedback as I want to get better at this and make maps in the likes of [file="37305"]t-lab,[/file] [file="31823"]sigma core[/file] etc.
Hi everyone, this is my first attempt at mapping. It is a series of rooms, getting progressively more difficult. The objective is to find the entrance to hell and then fight and defeat the
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