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High Quality Skydome

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-02-22 00:02:00
10 просмотров
results were astonishing. Yes there are some slight issues: - How to optimize this ? - There is a slight white line at the horizon but this is due to the fact that I wasn\'t to precise when making this. This was just a test. In a production environment I\'ld stick the layers so close to each other that these artefacts will not show up. Now they are kind of apart. - If you walk totally up to the edge of the dome you can see that it\'s not a generated skytexture but actually just moving layers of flat textures. But because the dome is so big, that shouldn\'t happen at all. And poses no problem. This can be tweaked *lots* more. I want to make an extra layer at the horizon which will make it so the clouds seem to stretch into the horizon You should see this in action, it looks lovely as the layers of clouds drift past eachother. More info and the discussion about this: http://www.doom3world.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=8964 ---- NB: This is not a playable map; it just demonstrates a technique to implement a skydome in a map instead of a skybox.
What is basically is, is a sky-dome with 2 layers of moving cloudtextures and a single covering dome with a gradient. This way you can create any type clouds and colors which you want to have and the
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