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Mancubus SP

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-03-15 23:03:00
10 просмотров
converted to .ZIP the mancubus.pk4 and copied again into .zip file and updated the version to 1.2 for easy understanding, sorry. v1.1 - First update release by Dafama2k7. The NEW Update is actually made by Dafama, yes, I only wanted to fix a minor bug that prevented many people to be able to load this great map. Basically the bug was that the .map file was not 100% compiled a mapname.proc file was not on the .pk4, the original author tell it the users to compile the map, i am sure he wanted to make the .zip file to be as smaller as possible. Now that .proc file is included and also i have added full shadows to all lights. Get this D3 SP map right now and play it, its worth it a lot !!! v1.0 - First original release by Smart333.
- Mancubus D3 SP level map - Why again !: v1.2 - First update release. - By mistake i have compressed the mancubus.pk4 file as a .RAR archive being incompatible with Doom 3, so i have
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